Friday, January 30, 2009

What is your all time favorite fragrance?

Well, here is my first on target question. What is your favorite fragrance and why do you like it? It can be an ordinary fragrance like coffee brewing or cookies baking, but I am really looking for your favorite perfume.
Leave comments. I really want to know the answer.

Goodnight Friends

I've stayed up way past any normal bedtime. So, it's off to get some beauty sleep. I hope you all stop by again soon.

All Work and No Play!

Here it is 3:00 am on Friday morning and I am still working. I am totally intent on making my online businesses into a viable source of income for me and that is not easy in this economic crunch. However, I do not believe in selling things that I know nothing about so I sell what I love and what I understand. I love cosmetics, perfumes and things for the home, therefore that is what this blog is dedicated to. If you have any favorite (or not so favorite) products, post a little review here so other's will know what's good and what isn't so great.
Also, let me know what you would want me to add to this blog and I will add it. Hopefully, I will learn more about blogging just from doing it in the trial and error method.